Are you looking for a book for a Scout or Scouter? Here are some I recommend. Some also include detailed reviews.
Book Review: Getting Started in Pinewood Derby

I recently received a copy of Getting Started in Pinewood Derby by Troy Thorne. This colorful workbook goes through all of the steps involved in building a car. My favorite thing about the book is that it is directed at Cub Scouts - who should be doing most of the work on their cars.
Book Review: Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction

My boys loved this book! It shows them how to make miniature catapults, bows, and other projectile machines out of common office supplies. This book would make a great basis for a open house or a just for a fun meeting.
Book Review: Beginning Boy Scouts

I recently received a copy of Beginning Boy Scouts by Jeremy and Heather Reed. The subtitle is "An unofficial practical guide to Boy Scouts for parents and new leaders." And that describes the book perfectly. If you know somebody who is new to the Scouts BSA program, then this would be a great resource to give them an overview of the program. Note that this book only covers the Scouts BSA program, not Cub Scouts or Venturing. Also the name reflects that it was written before the Boy Scout program name changed, but the information all still applies.
Book Review: Developing Teen Leadership

I was recently asked to review a book on teen leadership. The book is called Developing Teen Leadership: A Practical Guide for Youth Group Advisors, Teachers and Parents. It is written by Dan Appleman who has 20 years of experience working with youth.
Review: A Scout Leader’s Guide to Youth Leadership Training

I recently started reading a book called A Scout Leader's Guide to Youth Leadership Training: Working the Patrol Method. I am really impressed by this book.
60 Hikes Within 60 Miles Book Series

We are coming up on some prime hiking season. In the spring the temperatures are mild and it isn't buggy yet. So I am reviewing my favorite hiking book - 60 Hikes Within 60 Miles. Hopefully there is one available in your area.
The Eagle Court of Honor Book

Your son or daughter has earned the rank of Eagle and you'd like to help plan a meaningful Court of Honor. If you have not attended many of these events, this can be a challenge. Where do you start? This book will point you in the right direction.