
Classroom Management in Preschool Series -Day 2


Welcome back! It's Day 2 of the Classroom Management in Preschool Series!

If you missed Day 1 of the Classroom Management in Preschool Series, catch it at the link!  On Day 1 we discussed why behavior charts don't work and why rewards don't work either. We did some mindset work around students behaviors and learned what to do instead of chart and rewards came down to 4 major categories: 

  1.  Becoming a Behavior Detective
  2.  Setting Up Students For Success
  3.  Teaching Skills
  4. Building Relationships

Day 2 is all about Setting Students up for SUCCESS - even before the school year starts!

So, let's jump right in....


What can we prep to help set our (future) students up for success?

  1. Expectations & Procedures
  2. Classroom Environment
  3. Schedules

Expectations and Procedures in Preschool

It's time to decide: What are My Expectations? and How Will I Communicate those Expectations?

Ask Yourself...

  • What kinds of behaviors will I allow inside the classroom? Running? Rough play? Screaming or loud voices?
  • What kind of expectations do I have when it comes to taking care of class materials?
  • How do I want children to behave at circle time?
  • What do I want students to do for themselves?
  • What do I want them to do when they arrive/leave?
  • What is acceptable behavior outside of the the classroom?
  • What about on the playground?
  • Are my expectations in line with the development of the age I teach?

Here's the thing... We have all kinds of expectations for our students in our heads.... BUT.... we don't always do a great job of communicating those expectations.

*TRUTH BOMB: Preschoolers can read minds, nor can they read words. But, they can interpret pictures.

ENTER>>> Procedure Visuals

SHOW students what you expect - so you don't have to say it over and over again.

Take your expectations and decide what types of procedure visuals you need.  OR, take the done-for-you route and grab a checklist of Preschool Classroom Procedures you need.

Now that you have your expectations, decide how you will bring these visual procedures cards into your classroom.  You could...

> Take photographs of your students doing the procedure, print and assemble. 

>Create your own procedure cards digitally with clipart.

> Use a done-for-you option (that's also customizable) by using the Procedure Cards from my shop.

Classroom Environment

Anticipate issues before they occur. Is classroom layout partially to blame for behavior issues?

Possible Classroom Layout Issues

  • Placing loud centers next to quiet or calm down centers. Frustration and overwhelm can occur.
  • A long runway in the classroom that children can use as a racing spot.
  • A racetrack was created which allows a space for running around a circle in the classroom.
  • Lack of space given to popular centers or center that need more space. Creating possible crowding issues leading to pushing.
  • Teacher view being blocked by large furniture.
  • Keeping spaces that children aren't allowed into at a minimal amount.

Want help working thru how to set up your classroom in a thoughtful, 'set-them-up-for-success' kind of way?

The Classroom Set Up Workbook is what you need (pssst- it's free).

Also, setting up Classroom Rules can help students know the expectations while in the classroom.

Rules keep people safe. We are in charge of our students' safety. Therefore, we need rules to keep children safe.


  1. Keep it short and sweet - 3 to 4 rules 
  2. Display your rules low on the wall and with pictures
  3. Reference and teach these rules often
  4. Explain why each rule is important

Looking for the 'done-for-you' option you see in the pictures? You can find these simple Rules and Expectations Posters in my shop.


Students need to know what is next.


  1. Students having a hard time being away from home can take comfort in knowing what is next.
  2. Helps children who do not like transitioning.
  3. Children learn the class routine more quickly when displayed in a way that they can understand (pictures).
  4. When the regular routine changes, a visual schedules is great to reference. As children might feel out of sync when the routine is different, a visual schedule helps then know what is next.
  5. Visual schedules are a great way to help children learn the sequence of events in the classroom, especially when using words like 'first', 'next' and 'last'.

**Grab your copy of the free Visual Schedule Cards and try them out in your classroom.  All you need is a pocket chart!

Sidenote: Need help creating a schedule for your day? I've got a blog post for that: Creating a Preschool Schedule in 5 Easy Steps.

Day 3 is coming next and it's all about RELATIONSHIPS!

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