
End of Summer Book Picks


How is it August already? Even though I haven’t been in school for a while, I still get a little omg-school panic, and it feels like life is going to take a turn. Which in a way, it is. The summertime feeling is going to start fading away and we have to start preparing for cooler weather and a whole different attitude that comes along with that. But for now, it’s the hottest time of the year, and it’s still summer. That’s exactly why I think these three summer book picks are perfect for now.

Project Smoke

Written by the author of The Barbecue Bible, how could you not want to see what else Steven Raichlen is smoking up in his latest book, Project Smoke? He starts out with the briefest history of smoked foods — just enough to be informative, not enough to be boring, and quickly delves into a easily digestible guides about smoking. Types of smokers, the anatomy of a smoker, what type of fuel and how much are broken into charts that are easy to glance over without HAVING to pore over them. I like that kind of guide when it comes to things like this that could be complex but needn’t be. I’ve never looked for a guide to smoking but this is truly all you need to get started without wishing you had not ever thought about it in the first place.

This book is filled with the obvious: brisket, pulled pork, seafood, and even less common meats like lamb. But it also goes into the others of smoking all in one place. Ever wanted smoked deviled eggs? Now you do. Smoked salt, smoked tomatoes, smoked nuts, a smoked vegetable cassoulet, and why not even smoked chocolate bread pudding? This book has it all, and there’s plenty of bandwidth to dream up your own smoked things, and you’ll feel well equipped to do it after perusing this well laid out and well-thought out book. I’d have bought this if I didn’t get it from Workman Publishing. Seriously, it’s a fantastic gift for anyone with a smoker that doesn’t get the love it deserves.

Omg this book as smoked cocktails too! What in the world? Snag a copy to find out yourself. Meanwhile, I’ll be going to the store to get some wood chips.

Project Smoke book

A Book That Takes Its Time

This book is thick with possibilities. A Book That Takes Its Time is clearly not meant to be enjoyed in one sitting, but rather, more like a workbook that’s meant to encourage creativity to flow through the power of taking time: time to create, to breathe, to reflect, to let go.

It’s filled with bound-in postcards, mini-journals, stickers, decorative papers, and other little ways to make the reader just stop and exist with their own thoughts for a while. This would be a great distraction for someone who is dealing with a job loss, or anyone in a life or creative rut and wants to channel their mental energy in new and different ways. Really, anyone who is willing to dedicate themselves to completing the activities in the book will benefit from the mind reset it can offer — especially someone who had a sticker box as a kid and wishes there was an adult version.

A Book That Takes Its Time book

Life in the Sloth Lane

This small square book is probably made for kids, but feels way more appropriate in the office of someone who is guilted into thinking they are indispensable at work. Each spread of Life in the Sloth Lane features an adorable sloth photo paired with a saying about slowing down. “Slow and steady wins the race.” -Aesop is next to a stunning image of a smiling sloth gazing into the distance, probably thinking about nothing more than nibbling on some leaves. A few sloth facts are sprinkled in for 139 pages of straight chillaxing.

Get two copies: one for yourself, and one for your friend who needs to be talked into taking a two hour lunch every once in a while.

Life in the Sloth Lane book

I’ve received a free copy from Workman Publishing in exchange for a free and unbiased review. Thanks to Workman Publishing for providing interesting reads, and thanks for supporting the brands that support this blog. 

Summer book picks

The post End of Summer Book Picks appeared first on The April Blake.

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