
FlyLady Morning Routine: How to Start Your Day Strong


How to create your own FlyLady morning routine as part of the FlyLady system. Start your day off right with a customized routine that helps you feel more productive and organized.

flylady morning routine

FlyLady Morning Routine

Lately I’ve been re-reading Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley – aka The FlyLady.

Because one of my big goals is to improve my morning and before-bed routines, I paid close attention to the chapter on daily routines.

Years ago (before I had kids!), I’d listen to FlyLady’s show on Blog Talk Radio. My key takeaways were to do the following each morning:

  • Get dressed (all the way – even with shoes on!)
  • Check my calendar
  • Unload the dishwasher

I used to do some of the other things that FlyLady recommended, but a lot of that fell to the wayside a few years ago.


Because I started using the quiet time in the mornings to work on this blog!

My Morning Routine

Once my kids started sleeping through the night, I used my mornings to work on projects I wanted to do.

I’m a “morning person,” so I think and learn better in the mornings.

But in order to have quiet time to myself in the mornings, I have to be SUPER quiet.

Otherwise, the littles wake up.

So, honestly, here’s what I do in the mornings:

  • Wake up and partially make the bed
  • Sneak to closet and put on clothes, slip-on shoes (because they’re soft and quiet for my walking around the house)
  • Quietly brush teeth, splash water on my face, put on moisturizer
  • Tiptoe downstairs and make coffee. Tidy up while coffee brews – as quietly as possible!
  • Go to computer and start working on most-important work tasks for the day

Then, I work for an hour or two until the rest of my house starts to wake up. 

It’s great, because I need that time in the morning. I love working on my blog and learning new things. My morning routine as it is lets me do that.

But there’s some neat things that FlyLady mentions in her book Sink Reflections that I’d also like to incorporate.

FlyLady’s Morning Routine Checklist

In the book, FlyLady says that her morning routine is a great time for her to have creative inspiration.

She listens to her favorite spiritual music as she works, and she barely thinks about the “chores” she’s doing, because they’re so automatic.

She has a long checklist of things she does every morning, but she says she added each task to her routine slowly.

That way those tasks became habitual.

And we should do the same.

Going slowly, taking baby steps, and not getting overwhelmed makes it more likely that our new routines will stick!

Here’s some of the things she does in the mornings that I’d like to start doing:

  • Swish and swipe bathroom while she’s in the room – basically just wipe things down, put things away, and do a quick brush of the toilet while you’re in the bathroom
  • Thaw dinner and set table (this would be really helpful for working moms!)
  • Start a load of laundry

Because I want to keep the house quiet in the mornings, I might need to move these tasks to a different time of day.

But having these steps be routine and habitual would be a great help!

Related: How to Get Started with FlyLady

Morning Routine Examples

Because everyone’s life is different, I thought it would be helpful to show some FlyLady morning routine examples so you can get some more ideas.

FlyLady Diane Morning Routine

I love how Diane makes laundry part of her morning routine. She walks us through everything she does each morning in the video below:


FlyLady Morning Routine with Baby

If you have a baby or little kids, you can still have a morning routine.

Give yourself a lot of grace, and be flexible.

Here’s a nice example of a morning routine with baby:


FlyLady Kat Morning Routine

Kat gets lots of bathroom swish-and-swipes done as part of her morning routine. Watch below to see how she does it:


FlyLady Morning Routine Printable

As you can see from the examples above, morning routines will vary from person to person.

If you’d like to establish your own home management routines, be sure to grab the free PDF workbook below.

It will help you create your own routines based on your specific needs:

More FlyLady Tips and Resources

how to build a flylady morning routine and start your day strong

The post FlyLady Morning Routine: How to Start Your Day Strong appeared first on Organizing Moms.

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