I get asked - How do I homeschool my kids - ALL the time.I think the answer is a little tricky. In some states I know you need a degree or an umbrella school. Let's not go into all of that - that is more about homeschooling law which you can find the info on HSLDA's website. I'm going to go into the actual logistics of teaching at home.
So this part is really simple. You just sit with your kids and teach. Ha! I know you want a complicated answer but it isn't that complicated. For the sake of this post I'll break down some main ideas or ways to teach.
Curriculum Schedules
Basically when you buy curriculum (box or individual) there is usually a schedule that tells you what to teach on what day. You can follow this to a tee or branch off to your own interpretation. For me I usually follow the schedule but I don't necessarily follow the dating. I just do the next thing. This works well for our loose schedule. These schedules often tell you what chapter to read or workbook page to do.
Teachers guide or Instructors Guide
They have many different names but are all the same thing. This is your teachers manual. A good one in-dept one will tell you everything to do even down to the what to say. Most tell you a general idea of what to teach or how to teach that days lesson. They are often big and bulky as they contain a years worth of lessons or a semesters. I personally love having them even for the younger grades as there is a wealth of information in them and it makes it easy if you or the child is stuck on something to go to the guide for additional ideas.
This is a group of parents that come together to help teach each other's children. Each parent volunteers for a job to keep the collective working smoothly. You might teach, do nursery or do clean up. Kids come together one or two times a week and work in a classroom setting on different classes offered. This is an awesome way to have help when teaching a subject that is a little out of your expertise or even to save on cost for classes that would require a lot of supplies at home.
Online learning
Another awesome tool is opting for online classes. There are so many types of classes you can choose in this area. Live classes or recorded ones. Some even have public school classes at home.
DVD learning
Some curriculum offer their lessons pre-done on a DVD. We've done this for math in the past with great success. It is like having a teacher in your home teaching you. It is a great way to do a class that isn't your specialty.
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What a day looks like
So I feel like I should offer a little glimpse in what our homeschool looks like. For my high schoolers - which have both graduated- I did a mix of classes. Some online, some DVD, some textbooks, and some I taught directly. Both of my older boys liked a mix of styles and were happy to have a variety. The did a lot of independent learning as well.
For my younger kids we sit at the table together and work. I had a 3rd grader and preschooler last year so I had the 3rd grader do his independent work while I taught preschool. This was often his reading assignment and occasionally a few workbook pages. We did literature and math together daily. As my preschooler is getting older I've had him listen in on classes and even modified some things so he could work with us. The ultimate goal is to have the older child do a good bit independently by 7th and I hope we can do some subject together like bible and history.
I really like the dining room table as our schooling place. I've bought pop up chart holders and have lap white boards to use that can easily be cleaned up. I sit in the middle so I can help either child with their work. We school after lunch because that works well for us.
I hope this helped you get an idea on homeschooling and how to teach. Please check out my fellow homeschoolers and their ideas on teaching!

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