
How to Plan Ahead for a Great Summer


How to get ready for your best summer vacation yet. Plan ahead for a great summer, and really enjoy the time off school.

how to plan ahead for a great summer

With summer just around the corner, a lot of us are dreaming of all of the great things we’d like to do during the summer break.

Days at the pool, family travel, and sleeping in are just a few weeks away.

After months of not being able to go outside, it’s nice to enjoy the spring weather, and imagine what the summer months will be like.

I know that I have so many ideas for things we could do this summer, that it’s going to be almost impossible to fit them all in.

It’s important to prioritize the things you definitely want to do this summer so they don’t get pushed back until next year.

How to Plan Ahead for a Great Summer

  1. Start a running list of all of the things you’d like to do this summer. As you think of new things you’d like to do, add them to the list.
  2. Set up a calendar for the summer months. Fill it in with all of the activities you already have planned (weddings, vacations, visits from friends and family). This will help you see when you have pockets of time available for other things on your summer to-do list.
  3. Have a family meeting to talk about the summer schedule and confirm what everyone’s obligations are for the summer. If applicable, you can work on the next step at your family meeting too…
  4. Plan activities from your list around the activities you already have scheduled. We are going to a wedding a few hours away, so we’re planning on visiting a zoo in that area that we’ve wanted to see. This will help us cut down on driving and save us time. Don’t forget to schedule things like doctor appointments if you typically have checkups during the summer.
  5. Fill in your calendar with activities, but don’t over-schedule. You want to get to the most important activities, but you don’t want to feel like you’re running ragged on mandatory fun all summer long.
  6. Plan a loose schedule for a typical summer day. How do you want your regular days to go? Some families go to the local pool almost every day. Others plan a weekly visit to the library during the summers. What kind of a daily schedule would you like to have for your family?
  7. Take some time to attend to the details. Sign up for the summer reading program at your library. Get a pool pass. Reserve a hotel room for your trip. Get all of the details taken care of so you can enjoy your summer.

Get your summer supplies ready.

summer supplies sidewalk chalk

Here are some things you might want to do now, so you don’t have to worry about them this summer:

    1. Fill the sandbox
    2. Put air in bike tires
    3. Check on your kiddie pool. Does it need to be patched or cleaned?
    4. Find the outdoor toys
    5. Clean the grill
    6. Clean off outdoor furniture
    7. Stock up on bug spray and sunscreen
    8. Get out swimsuits and sandals. Check to see if they still fit.
    9. Stock up on sidewalk chalk and bubbles.
    10. Make some juice pops

Create a Home Management Plan

kids doing chores

Summer is the perfect time to teach kids about home management.

It’s likely that children won’t learn about chores, routines, or meal planning in school.

Take advantage of the extra time at home to build a home management routine, and have your kids contribute.

It’s a nice way to build family teamwork skills, and it boosts everyone’s self-confidence.

Grab the free home management plan workbook below and get started!

Summer will be here before we know it. Let’s plan on making it great!

how to plan a great summer

The post How to Plan Ahead for a Great Summer appeared first on Organizing Moms.

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