How to Refuse to Accept Limitations and Thrive
- August 6, 2020
- by Chelsea
Why You've Got to Listen to This Episode...
In today’s episode, I’m talking with Tasha Cochran, co-founder of One Big Happy Life. Tasha is a perfect example of someone who has gone against the grain at just about every turn from joining the marine corp just out of high school, to buying a house as a single mom, to graduating from Yale with a law degree she used to protect minorities and women from housing and loan discrimination. Tasha shares how her career journey unfolded in waves, how she made difficult decisions, and how that ultimately led her to growing a business she loves that works on her terms.
Moments You Don't Want to Miss
- [07:23] How Tasha was able to ditch the narrative that being pregnant at 19 meant her life was “over”
- [12:32] How she made a spending plan to give her the freedom to explore her next career
- [18:54] Money or Passion: How Tasha’s motivations drove her decision-making
- [28:07] What’s being done to close the gap in racial weath inequality today and address housing discrimination
- [38:23] Discover how One Big Happy Life actually evolved from a YouTube channel for natural hair care
- [56:36] Chelsea’s Top Takeaways

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Key Takeaways to Help You Refuse to Accept Limitations
As always, we’ve rounded up our top three takeaways to summarize what we believe are the core points to remember from Tasha
1 - You Need to Actually Crunch the Numbers to Know What’s Possible
There are statistics about how, on average, we radically overestimate what we think our dreams will cost. And that unnecessarily high number in our heads convinces us we can never afford the life we want, so we stay where we are.
Everyone in the military told Tasha she couldn’t afford to leave the military.
It wasn’t until she broke out her spreadsheet, made an updated spending plan, and got clear on exactly how much she needed that she could find the truth—she could leave, she could make it work and have the capacity to create a life that better suited her and her daughter.
If you’ve been saying something is impossible or just too expensive, take the time to do some research and really crunch the numbers. Make a spending plan. Figure out how you can be creative. Until you put the pen to paper, you’ll never know if you can do the impossible.
2 - You Can Make Time for What You Most Want
Tasha was a single mother, working full-time in the military, and going to college without local family support. And then she studied and got into Yale Law, Stanford, and a number of other prestigious law schools, all while raising her daughter.
As she told us, she didn’t watch a lot of TV or spend a lot of time going out with friends, but she made the time to do the things that would get her where she wanted to go.
Busy has become a badge of honor. We all compete on some level on how busy we are and how little time we have. But busy often means we’re not prioritizing.
If something is important enough to you, you can make the time. Track your time for a week, and see how much time you’re really spending watching TV or scrolling on your phone. Consider what you could achieve or how you could better take care of yourself if you decided to make some changes and use that time for things that were truly important to you.
3 - Move Forward Imperfectly—You Don’t Need to Have it All Figured Out to Start
Tasha launched her first online course without an email list, without experience running ads, and without a product. She launched pitching the beta of the course she was planning on developing.
And she made $5,000 from running $300 of ads and putting out a kickass webinar.
Not everyone is going to see these results on their first launch. Your business may not grow as fast as you want, and you may have to pivot over time.
But as Tasha so perfectly said, you deserve to be paid for your skills and knowledge. Believe in yourself enough to put yourself out there and get started.
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The post How to Refuse to Accept Limitations and Thrive appeared first on Smart Money Mamas.