
Reach Financial Peace Without Fear Of Failure : The Saturday Weekend Review #305


Financial Peace of Mind

If You Can Dream Financial Peace You Can Live It

Covid-19 sure put a dent in our financial world emotionally and mentally it’s time we create financial peace of mind.

Stress from uncertainty when it comes to money management especially when creditors are calling can be debilitating.

Then we dream of a life where having enough money is not a problem and we no longer have to worry.

I can’t be the only one who has dreamed about winning the lottery which would offer financial peace of mind.

However, the odds of me winning the lottery are slim and I’m certainly not going to wait around.

Nobody wants to be fearful of answering the phone or wondering who’s ringing the doorbell.

The reality is that many Canadians are living that nightmare more so since the pandemic crisis.

Our Colours Were Wiped Away

We were not ready for what Covid-19 had brought to the table from a health nor financial standpoint.

Obviously,, it’s something that we knew could happen but hoped it never would.

Perhaps we were walking with blinders on and now we are paying the price.

There are so many questions and some who believe governments went overboard with it all.

  • Can it happen again?
  • Will it happen again?
  • When will it happen?
  • Will we survive this?
  • Why are we doing this?

Bringing Back A Sense Of Financial Peace

How can we feel good about our financial position?

Our world is suffering terribly and financial peace for many who thought they were prepared has since diminished.

For those of you who were on the brink of retirement and saw your portfolio nosedive and many others who fear the unknown, it’s like staring at a blank canvas.

The canvas and paintbrushes are ready but there are no colours to bring it to life.

From day to day nobody knows how the world will be ready to proceed.

In the process smiles are gone, conversations are limited and our mental health is taking a toll with highs and lows.

Just when you thought you were making all the right moves life throws a curveball.

There is hope and finding financial peace is a process that we ALL must take in order to move forward.

We must move forward.

Suffering Is Different For Everyone

I know it’s hard to sense empathy from someone who is debt-free and you might feel isn’t suffering and I agree.

However, I want you to know I’m not blind and I know what it’s like to struggle.

Given our financial situation, we don’t know what you are going through but we’ve sat in the uncertainty chair in the past.

When I didn’t have a job in Canada and no prospects in sight and there was no money coming in, I was terrified.

Not only that but my wife was diagnosed with a disease to which there was no cure and I felt the pressure.

When we did buy our house and she lost her job and I was earning a bit above minimum wage ($15 in 2009) again I was terrified.

We were terrified.

Here we sat in an almost empty house that needed to be fixed up and decorated and one income coming in.

We went from satisfaction and smiles to singing the blues literally in a matter of months.

That’s how fast it all happened which meant we needed financial peace of mind and went looking for it.

Financial Peace Of Mind Through Budgeting

Our journey into the world of budgeting started with a financial crisis that slid into our financial peace.

What I’m trying to say is, you too can bring back the sparkle in eyes and spring in your walk.

Don’t let what is happening in the world deter you from finding ways to manage your money effectively.

Some of you might have given up and are not sure where to turn but it’s critical you do everything to keep standing.

If that means pulling yourself out of a comfort zone then so be it because this world we see, IS, and WILL be the new norm.

That’s why I wrote about selling everything you own in a crisis because people are in survival mode now.

From Sunshine To Eggshells

Every morning seems like walking on eggshells even though we are financially free only because we still worry.

You’re never completely out of the red when you have no debt and are actively saving for retirement or other savings goals.

You have to always be crisis ready whether that be with an emergency savings account or a strong sense of commitment to your money.

By that, I mean you continue to be frugal and balance your budget even if you don’t feel you have to with little to no debt.

Motivation Is The First Step To Finding Financial Peace

Financial Peace is about finding the BEST ways for you to stay motivated and committed to your money.

You often can’t rely on anyone else when it comes to supporting your garden when it stops raining.

Today, I wanted to take the time to bring back some sunshine to your world if you are struggling financially.

I’ve created a small list that consists of what brings us financial peace and I hope it motivates you to do the same.

Just remember that we will all get through this crisis if we take care of ourselves, and our health.

If you feel lost or not sure where to turn always have someone you can call or talk to.

My email is always open.

Painting Your Canvas With Colour

Paint Colours

I know there will be lots of seeds that were planted that won’t grow but for every 1o seeds, one survives you’ve won.

By this I mean you must put the effort into what brings you joy however if one flower grows the soil has flourished.

You too can flourish financially by taking advantage of the free resources available to you online and in your community.

Talk to your mentors such as family, friends, bankers, and financial advisors with questions you may have.

10 Steps To Reach Financial Peace

Colourful Flower

Our 5-year-old son said something to me yesterday while I was outside watering the garden.

He had picked two yellow dandelions and said they were for his mother.

When he showed me the flowers he looked up and said, “Flowers make me happy“.

It was then that I knew that we often overlook the small things in order to get to the big picture.

Even a dandelion is a beautiful flower in the mind of someone who believes in it.

Believe in yourself and you’ll find your peace.

  1. Motivation
  2. Creating Financial Plans A, B, and sometimes C.
  3. Monthly Budgeting
  4. Expense Tracking
  5. Paying Down Debt
  6. Minimize Mindset
  7. Communication
  8. Investing In Tomorrow
  9. Smiling
  10. Painting Your Canvas

yellow dandelion

Both Mrs. CBB and I sat down to talk about what brings us Financial Peace Of Mind.

The 10 ways we jotted down all sort of come together to bring us joy, not a big fat bank account.

For most people having no debt and just enough savings is all they really need.

What’s on your list may differ from ours however creating a list becomes your paintbrush.

Now you have to get out there and collect the colours to paint your world happy.

Financial Peace is waking up in the morning with a little less stress about money and a willingness to continue learning.

Be well everyone,


Discussion: What brings you financial peace of mind?

Leave your comments or experiences below.


Blog Posts You May Have Missed

Below is a recap of the blog posts I’ve published over the past two weeks.

If you haven’t subscribed to the blog make sure to add your email to my list so you get my weekly blog posts and access to my Free Budget Resources Library.

Plus, now I also release a bi-weekly newsletter that comes straight to your email only for subscribers.

You’ll find exclusive updates about the blog and CBB home life including photos and exclusive contests.

strawberry cheesecake squares

Seasonal Frugal Recipe

Watermelon Sugar

I’m a huge fan of watermelon as is the rest of my family and I’ve always been curious about how other people eat it.

When I stumbled upon this recipe for Watermelon Fries with Coconut Lime Dip, I was sold.

Just one look at the photo of watermelon sliced as fries and the creamy dip, I was ready to hop in the car.

Luckily, we have watermelon at home as I bought one two days ago while grocery shopping.

I’ll be making this recipe this weekend on Sunday and I can’t wait to try it.

What are some of your favourite ways to eat watermelon, besides the obvious? 🙂

Ingredients List:

  • 1 watermelon rind removed and cut into long fry-like shapes
  • 2 tsp Tajin Classic Seasoning


  • 1 cup of coconut yogurt
  • Zest and juice of 1 lime
  • 1 tbsp coconut sugar or to taste

CBB Motivational Corner

Financial Motivation

When you don’t think you can handle a budget or perhaps afraid to use one, don’t be.

Budgeting in the most basic form is simple addition and subtraction and anyone can do it.

A calculator is your friend and with blogs such as Canadian Budget Binder with hundreds of blog posts you’ll be prepared.

The key for beginners is to do your research first and create your budget based on what you’ve learned.

Always take notes as you learn about how to budget and put them into practice.

If you’re unsure of how something works always speak up and ask someone or post a question online in forums or in groups with like-minded finance newbies.

You’re in this to learn so never fear something that is bound to help you.

Gardening Season 2020

Cornmeal Gluten

I found this photo on Facebook about using cornmeal to kill weeds in your garden and was intrigued.

I’ve always been passionate about making sure I kill weeds especially in our rock garden which I’ve been very successful at.

When it comes to the garden with flowers and shrubs at times it can get tough to get rid of the weeds that pop up.

I don’t have any form of barrier underneath so the weeds can and will pop up unless you do something about it.

On the advice of this photo, I thought I’d give cornmeal a try but wanted to source more information.

I found this blog post about cornmeal in gardens and using it as a weed killer and pest control.

This is not the pantry cornmeal that you use either, it’s called cornmeal gluten.

Cornmeal Gluten To Kill Weeds

What is cornmeal gluten?

Cornmeal gluten, commonly referred to as corn gluten meal (CGM), is the by-product of corn wet milling.

It is used to feed cattle, fish, dogs, and poultry.

Gluten meal is known as a natural substitute for chemical pre-emergent herbicides.

Using this cornmeal as weed killer is a great way to eradicate weeds without the threat of toxic chemicals.

If you have pets or small children, gluten meal is a great option.

You can use cornmeal gluten on your lawn and in your shrubs as it’s effective at stopping weeds and seeds from sprouting.

I’m going to give this a try especially where we have our bird feeders as we get so many weeds and seeds sprouting.

Another cool thing I learned is that you can use cornmeal gluten to control ants as well as they can’t digest it.

I wish I knew that two weeks ago when they were invading our house.

Now I know and I’m going to use cornmeal gluten instead of chemicals to rid of any ants inside and outside.

Home and Blog Update

Canadian Budget Binder

Home Update

Strawberry Rhubarb Keto Jam

I continue to work from home however I’m on vacation for a couple of weeks as I’ve been asked to use them up.

I’m fine with that as I’ve been home since Covid-19 began and we don’t have any vacations planned for 2020.

However, in 2021 we plan on going to the UK to visit friends and family along with some other place.

Around the house, I’ve finished planting the garden and we’ve already got strawberries ready to eat.

The mulberries will be ready to eat soon and our tomatoes and peppers are flowering which is awesome.

The only thing I’m slacking on is getting the cucumbers into the planters which I plan on doing this week.

tent caterpillar

We’ve also been dealing with tent caterpillars taking over our fruit tree and I’ve had to get rid of them.

If you don’t get rid of the tent caterpillars they can kill your tree which they did last year to a branch on our apple.

Ants outside and inside seem to be controlled as there have been no sightings inside and outside it varies.

The cherry on top last week was I found a giant nail buried in the tire of my truck so I had to take care of that.

Do you ever notice when you want to move on to your next task something else gets in the way?

I feel that’s how my summer has been going. I’m not even sure I’ll be doing the deck this year as I have to finish the basement to meet city inspection dates.

Sometimes I wonder what would get done if I wasn’t home as much as I’ve been this year.

Moving forward I don’t know how things will be working with my employer but I’m just glad I still have a job.

In the kitchen, we made Keto Strawberry Rhubarb Jam as we’ve had two large batches of organic rhubarb so far this season.

Lots more to come.

Be Well. x


Blog Update

In the last two weeks, Sara and I have made some head-way with updating the Free Resources Page.

We’ve decided that we will be creating TWO pages so you’ll see one page with just Budget Binder Resources.

The other will be discount codes, cashback websites, coupons, plus making money and saving money resources.

I thought it would be far better to do it this way as it will slim down the current Free Resources Page which I’ve already renamed.

It’s now called, Free Budget Binder Printables.

I’m also working on a paid version of The Canadian Budget Binder which I will sell in the future at a reasonable cost.

It will come with a workbook to help you understand how to use each page along with tips for success.

The Canadian Budget Binder will be standardized and comes with a Free Printable Budget for those of you who aren’t ready for an excel budget.

For anyone who does purchase it I will have a private Facebook group available for chat as well where I will be active to help out.

I’d say it’s worth every dollar but that’s still a way away but keep up to date with what’s happening by subscribing to the blog.

I have a bi-weekly newsletter that I send out to all subscribers where I keep everyone updated on the process.

For new subscribers to the blog, they will get FREE custom printables, not on the blog.

Making money for CBB is to help keep this blog running by hiring staff, blog costs and allows me to host contests with the ability to ship stuff to my supporters.

I’m even thinking about buying swag for my readers that I can give away and would love feedback so if you have ideas please email me.  Free CBB Pens, Pads of CBB Paper, CBB Pencil Cases, Budget Binder (custom with CBB name on it).

Unfortunately, it costs hundreds of dollars to run a blog every month and even more once the blog grows as CBB has.

I’d like to think that The Canadian Budget Binder will add value to the user as I’m pouring my heart into it.

Any time you can get something that has helped someone else become successfully debt-free I’d say it’s worth every dollar.

However, it’s up to the user to ensure they are not fearful of taking control of their finances.

I know many of you might be frightened of the process or don’t feel a budget or being organized will help you.

You’re wrong. It will and trust me no matter how long it takes you to get rid of debt it’s better than doing nothing at all.

It’s far better than taking action without knowing if there is any easier way or quicker way to pay down debt.

Anyways, that’s what’s happening on the blog right now. I like to be transparent with all of you as YOU are part of my life.

If there is anything you’d like to add or ask me feel free to email me and let’s chat.

Tell me what you feel The Canadian Budget Binder should have that would help you become better with your money.

Be Well,


Reader Mailbag Series

Canadian Budget Binder

I’d love to start a reader mailbag series where you the readers send me a question and I’ll post it right here.

This will allow CBB readers to comment below to help solve your problem or give you some tips.

It can be anything from finance to gardening, relationships to parenting.

Keep your question short but with as much detail as needed to describe your problem.

If you have a photo you want me to share you can send that into my email canadianbudgetbinder@yahoo.ca

Perhaps you have a garden plant that needs help and wants to share a photo of the issue it’s having.

Send it to me.


Question For Mr.CBB

Dear Mr.CBB,

I’m starting to use your basic budget and am interested to know whether I’m on the right path.

Is it smart to have a budget with condensed budget categories or to break them down as much as possible?

I feel confused about what I’m supposed to be doing.

Thanks for your help if I get picked.


Hi Maryanne,

Thanks for your question.

Congratulations on beginning to use your budget and taking the steps to become debt-free (if that’s your plan).

When it comes to using budget categories you can use as many or little as you need to get the job done.

Years ago when we created our budget we started with condensed budget categories to keep it simple.

As time went on we wanted to know more information about certain parts of our spending.

For example, instead of adding health and beauty into our grocery budget, we separated them.

We would add toilet paper, shampoo, and beauty products along with prescriptions to our grocery expenses.

That wasn’t giving us an accurate number in terms of how much food we were consuming each year.

By separating them we know now how much it would cost us to put only food on the table.

If you want to track how much money it’s costing you to buy shoes all year create a shoe category.

In short, it depends on how much data you want from your budget.

I feel that if you start with the basic budget categories you’ll soon figure out how to expand your budget to fit your needs.

I’ve linked a couple of blog posts in my response here for you to read that should provide more information for you.

Thanks for supporting CBB,

Be Well,

Mr.CBB x

Saturday Search Term Giggles

kermit the frog

These are keywords that readers typed into their search engine and landed on this blog.

I get thousands of these every single day and pick some of the best to feature right here.

  • Canada Tries Cried Card- I’m crying.
  • How To Kill Ants In Grass Garden – Grass garden, lol. You mean just grass.
  • Type Of Popcorn Used In Popcorn Chicken Salad- Add 2 cups of popcorn to popcorn chicken…haha!
  • Is Stealing A Chocolate A Felony? – You’re going to JAIL!
  • Keto Buns Online- Haha, where else would they be if you’re searching on the web?

That’s all for this week everyone. I’ll see you back here in two weeks for the next edition of The Saturday Weekend Review.

The post Reach Financial Peace Without Fear Of Failure : The Saturday Weekend Review #305 appeared first on Canadian Budget Binder.

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