
How a rush of cold temps cools my nerves


How a rush of cold temps cools my nerves

My first therapist shot hoops with me in her driveway. The second thought I’d be more comfortable talking over hot cocoa and marshmallows in a communal kitchen. One gave me a foam bat and told me to hit a chair. Another used a thick marker on poster paper to draw my family tree and the associated neuroses. So yeah, not to brag, but I’m kind of a connoisseur of counseling. Over the years, all of these therapists—using everything from the role-playing of Gestalt therapy to the talk-it-out approach of psychoanalysis—have helped me cope when I’ve felt like my thoughts were...

5 Best Classical Homeschool Curriculum: Classical Education Programs


5 Best Classical Homeschool Curriculum: Classical Education Programs

If you’re looking for a conservative homeschooling curriculum, you’ll probably love a classical curriculum. Classical curriculum is popular among Christian homeschooling families, many of which choose them for their rigorous training in literature, theology, Latin and critical thinking. But, if you’re new to this area, what curriculum should you choose? What are the best curriculum packages around? That’s the question we’ll be looking at in this article! In particular, we’ll look at: What is a classical homeschooling curriculum Reasons you might choose this method Four classical curricula for homeschools: Classical Conversations – more of a homeschooling co-op focus Veritas Press...

Manageable Home Learning


Manageable Home Learning

Like millions of Americans right now, we are exhausted. We are fortunate for countless reasons, and we are grateful for even more. Still, we are simply worn down. Adam and I don’t want West to feel the weight of our fatigue. At almost 4 years old, he’s ready for some semblance of schooling. But due to the ever-rising cost of pre-school in Los Angeles, coupled with the Covid-19 rates throughout the city, we are not sending our child to classes in the foreseeable future. In order to give West a preschool-like feeling at the start of the weekdays, Adam and...

Resources for Bless Me, Ultima


Resources for Bless Me, Ultima

The one book that changed my life and opened up a whole new world to me was Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya. I read it my Junior year in high school while taking a Multicultural Literature class. Before this I had NO IDEA that there was a whole genre dedicated to Latino lit. And I was so overwhelmed to see so many of the traditions and, yes, even figures from my childhood it literally made me weep. Until I was around 14, my childhood was steeped in Mexican culture. Mostly thanks to my great grandmother, with whom we lived....

Microsoft brings support for external workbook links to Excel on the web


Microsoft brings support for external workbook links to Excel on the web

Microsoft today announced that it is bringing support for linking data from multiple online workbooks for Excel on the web. However, the files must be stored in OneDrive or SharePoint. Read more...