
Are You a Hypochondriac Parent?


Are You a Hypochondriac Parent?

  “Is that a rash? Do you feel itchy?” I asked my 4-year-old for the 10th time that morning. He squirmed away from me, as I attempted to check every inch of his body for the 1237897321st time. I am a self-diagnosed hypochondriac. It’s hereditary, and I can’t say I am the worst offender in my family. I don’t google symptoms all the time, but only because I’m terrified of what I’ll discover. But what happens when a hypochondriac becomes a parent? Nothing changes, except, all my time now is spent obsessing over my children’s health instead of my own....

The Black Friday Digital Supersale


The Black Friday Digital Supersale

Times are tough and money is tight! We’re revisiting our SuperSale prices for Black Friday. Shop today to get our digital products at ROCK BOTTOM prices! I know that many of you get paid on the first of the month. If there is a purchase you want to make but you can’t afford it until then, make a note of the product and price. Then, drop us a line on the first at hello@theorganicprepper.com and we’ll give you a coupon so you can still receive the sale price. Here’s our list of products. Click on what you’d like to be...

Shopping & Body Image Issues


Shopping & Body Image Issues

In today’s Black Friday episode of the show, Heather talks about the connection between body image issues and shopping! If you’ve ever found yourself trying to soothe your body image frustration through buying clothes or buying things . . .you’re not alone. Today’s show offers practical tips for getting our shopping habits under control. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying shopping, but if we believe we can buy our way out of our body image issues-it won’t work as we hope it. Also, today Heather shares some of her favorite things that–if you are shopping–you may want to add to your...

EP 279: The Art of Saying Thank You To Yourself on Thanksgiving and Beyond


EP 279: The Art of Saying Thank You To Yourself on Thanksgiving and Beyond

What You’ll Learn from this Episode about the Art of Saying Thank You to Yourself on Thanksgiving and Beyond: Why the art of saying thank you to yourself on Thanksgiving is worth learning how to do. Why it’s common to feel stress during holidays like Thanksgiving. Why thinking about gratitude can help you appreciate yourself more. Five (5) things you can do to give yourself a thank you hug. Welcome to another episode of the Women in the Middle Podcast Today’s episode is all about the art of saying thank you to you during Thanksgiving and beyond. Listen to discover...

Creating Gephi Network Graphs Part 4: Exporting and Saving the Graph


Creating Gephi Network Graphs Part 4: Exporting and Saving the Graph

Would you like an efficient method to find clusters of DNA matches relevant to your research subject? In this series, I’m sharing the steps to create a network graph using the free, open source Gephi application, available for Windows or Mac. I use Gephi to create network graphs of my AncestryDNA matches. Throughout this series, I will be using my own matches from AncestryDNA, but I have changed their names for privacy. Below are the previous steps in this tutorial: Creating Gephi Network Graphs Part 1: Gather Matches and Prepare Spreadsheets Creating Network Graphs with Gephi Part 2: Import Spreadsheets and...