
Beware of Love Bombing!


Beware of Love Bombing!

It’s the beginning of a new relationship, and you’re over the moon. He’s the man of your dreams, lavishing you with affection and romance. You feel exhilarated, intoxicated, and alive. He tells you he loves you. He wants to spend his life with you… but you’ve only known him for two weeks. Beware! You may be the victim of a love bombing! And if you are, his excessively romantic behavior can shift to anger and put you at risk. When you find a man’s love too overwhelming too soon, we often call this love bombing. It may mean you are...

10 books to help kids understand divorce and separation


10 books to help kids understand divorce and separation

Divorce and separation can be just as challenging for kids as it is for their parents, but reading books about these topics is a good way to help normalize the change. Books also help children to understand and articulate their feelings and experiences, and offer a jumping-off point for conversations. When books reflect a child’s new family structure, they also feel more comfortable and seen as a person. Some books are non-fiction, which help to teach kids the facts about divorce, with lots of reassurance that your parents love you even if they don’t get along with each other. Others...

38 Reasons Why People Still Hold A Grudge Against Someone Or Something Years Later


38 Reasons Why People Still Hold A Grudge Against Someone Or Something Years Later

Some like to say that no matter how mad you are at someone for doing something nasty to you, there will be a day when this won’t matter. This might be true, but very often the things that others do to us leave a scar and thus are hardly forgettable. Especially if it’s someone close to us, our family members, or friends. Imagine your mom not wanting to attend your first concert or getting blamed by your classmate for things you didn’t do. The list of someone being a victim of injustice could seem endless. Having this in mind, Reddit...

What’s Your Attachment Style? Finding Out Can Help Your Relationships


What’s Your Attachment Style? Finding Out Can Help Your Relationships

Even if you have no idea what “attachment styles” are, you’ve experienced them in your relationships. If you’ve been involved with someone who routinely texts “Where are you?? Let me know asap!” when they haven’t heard from you in a couple hours, or worried your partner is cheating based on, well, nothing at all, then you’ve seen attachment theory in action.An attachment style is a specific way someone has learned to relate to others in their life. Behavior linked to them can certainly be more positive than the above, too. Feeling respected, listened to, and supported when you need it...

How to Link to Another Sheet in Microsoft Excel


How to Link to Another Sheet in Microsoft Excel

Just like linking to another place in a Word document, you can link to another sheet in an Excel workbook. This is a handy way to quickly jump to a spreadsheet related to your current sheet or cell.Read This Article on How-To Geek ›