Check out a collection of crazy ideas that will change your life completely! You will learn how crazy ways to use a toilet seat, how to make sunglasses from scotch tape, how to repair a key, how to prank your friends using a beer bottle, you will learn a cheap way to downsize your jeans.
If you dont have a spoon, you can turn a fork into a spoon simply using a sticky tape. Check out an easy tutorial! There is a cool way to store Coke bottles in the fridge - use magnets! I will help to save lots of space in your fridge. If your corkscrew has broken you can use a drill, find oy=ut a tutorial that will change your life!
Check out a brilliant collection of lifehacks on how to reuse old toothbrushes: you can use a toothbrush to clean a toilet, to make kitchen hooks, replace old mascara brush with a toothbrush.
There is a collection of restroom life hacks that you will need to ease your life. Check out what to do when the toilet seat is cold, what to do if the lock is broken, how to fix the clogged toilet using aspirin, replace plunger with a plastic bottle, how to make a toilet paper holder from a plastic bottle. Girls with oily skin will love the next hack - use toilet seat covers to blot your oily skin. Your skin will look flawless.
Check out how to reduce your budget and water bills using a plastic bottle from soda. Fill the plastic bottle with water. Place the bottle into your toilet tank. The bottle will displace the water in the tank and you will use less water every time you flush.
00:29 Vacuum cleaner lifehack
01:22 DIY Sunglasses
02:15 Beer bottle prank
06:41 Toothbrush crafts
11:33 Restroom life hacks and tips
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