
3 Signs He’s Not Interested in You



You’ve been trying forever to get his attention.

You’ve taken extra care with your appearance. You’ve put yourself in his presence, hoping he’ll make lingering eye contact or conversation. You’ve made it a point to know his interests and visit places he frequents, hoping to “accidentally” see him there and engage.

The problem is he never notices you.

Yet, you still hold out hope that he’ll become attracted.

Well, my love-stricken sisters, I’m sorry to say it may be time to stop the chase.

Here’s how to tell.

The biggest sign he’s not into you

He doesn’t initiate anything.

Let’s say you’re crushing on one of your BFF’s male friends. You see him walk up to your friend and start talking. Of course, you seize the moment. You try to play it cool by going to your friend and asking a question or making a comment that will allow him the opportunity to make a move.

Now, let me ask you a question.

When you do things such as this, does he try to draw you into the conversation? Does he ask questions or try to prolong your interactions?

If your answer is no, the ugly fact is he’s choosing not to get to know you better.

And what about the times you “just happen” to run into him at his favorite coffee shop? Does he smile, maybe wave, grab his iced coffee, and dash?

Sad truth : You and I both know when you’re interested in someone, you don’t want to let them walk away. So it’s a bad sign when your crush makes no effort to keep you within his presence. A really bad sign.

Other signs to watch for

He doesn’t compliment you.

Let’s say you get a new cut or use a self-tanner that makes you look bronzed and beautiful. Maybe you change your lipstick or wear a skirt when you normally wear sweats. Perhaps you straighten your curly hair or curl your straight hair.

Maybe he’ll comment. For example, he may say something like, “Did you get your hair cut?” or ask, “Have you if you’ve been in the sun recently?”

Warning: Don’t get too excited about this “courtesy conversation.”

The truth is if he asked the question and didn’t follow it up with a compliment, he’s probably not into you.

After all, praise feels good to everyone, and if he deliberately chooses to turn down the chance to feel make you feel special? It may be time to accept there’s no attraction on his part.

He doesn’t attempt to make eye contact.

What that’s famous quote? “The eyes are the window to the soul.” Well, if he’s not giving you his eyes, it’s a sign he’s looking elsewhere for a partner.

Bestselling author Mark Manson defines eye contact as having nine levels, each with different hidden meanings. One of the earliest signs of interest is what he calls a “glance and a half.” Manson states: “It’s when someone looks at you and breaks eye contact as they normally do, but they hold the eye contact for a split second longer than is normal.”

So if you’re trying to get his attention and his eyes are directed elsewhere, maybe it’s time to set your sights elsewhere as well.

The bottom line:

Elite Daily quotes counselor and sex expert Martha Lee, who states:

“A lot of us just hope against hope that things change. Don’t do this to yourself. Don’t see it as a challenge and put yourself up for emotional pain — walk away. They’ve told you. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone, especially yourself. You deserve better.”

There’s million fish in the sea. A million frogs who’re really princes in disguise.

And eventually, you find your fish or your frog-prince. However, this can only happen if you free yourself from obsessing over an attraction with zero potential.

The important thing to remember is that beating a dead horse won’t make you happy.

So keep looking. Erase the idea of you and your present Romeo making a match. Instead, move forward and find someone who wants you as much as you want them.

Trust me. One day you’ll be extremely glad you did.

This post was previously published on


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The post 3 Signs He’s Not Interested in You appeared first on The Good Men Project.

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