
A Busy December


Ha may recall that earlier this month I wrote something about we might go camping this week.

Not happening! 

That was wishful thinking by a long shot. At least we could if we were not too busy, a blessing for sure because we know several people who have had Covid recently and we are reading that it is spreading again. What we need is to make time to get our second booster shot, especially because we have our family arriving from afar at the end of this week! Maybe Wednesday afternoon would work following my teeth cleaning appointment. Actually it was Bruce's appt., however, I jumped in line and will be taking his place. About a month ago mine was cancelled because our hygienist was having wrist surgery at the same time that our hair stylist was out with a broken wrist. What are the chances, right? 

It goes without saying that more would get done around here if not for playing pickleball so often. Choices, choices! So far, pickleball is winning out. The weather has been chillier, and for sure, the morning skies on our way to play has been, on some days, seriously dramatic.

A case in point.

So really, how can you go wrong with both birds and a sky filled with color and drama? 

It wasn't much later that Anne accused me of not concentrating hard enough to actually hit the ball. Another case in point!!

Actually, as we were driving the 3.5 miles to the court, the sky was just beginning the transformation from gray to fuchsia.

Heavenly hosts sing hallelujah! You think?

Remember I mentioned the church event? "A Walk Through Bethlehem" has been a tradition at FCCWP for some time now, and it takes a lot of work to pull off, not to mention scores of people. 

For example, the luminaries took several people to fill the bags with sand, place the candles after which time I placed them on the sidewalk surrounding the church, while others put them on the steps. Then another woman came along and lit all 100 of them! I don't know where they got the wooden camel, but it took another volunteer to make the creche. 

These are my comrades in arms from the pottery booth, Gail and Cynthia.

Dressed similarly, my head gear was not nearly as stylish! This would be someone you know hawking fish.

A guide leads groups of ten or so on the walk which includes a stop to see the real goats, chickens and a donkey. It really is something to witness, and I am just glad they only do it every two years!

Another thing I touched on, while we are on the subject of church, was that Bruce and I lit the second candle of Advent doing a reading at the same time. A very special moment for us that later on I watched on the church website. Fascinating listening to one's spoken voice. I am so behind, this past Sunday the fourth candle was lit.

Community Christmas party anyone? Yup, that happened as well. A week ago Sunday or so I think? 

That would be our son David talking with Yvette and my sister Nancy wearing the Christmas headgear. The committee, comprised of myself, Patti, Susan, Ellie, Diane and Sherry put it together with a few planning sessions and some shopping and decorating! Our goal was not only to have neighbors mingle while listening to the locally famous Caroling Company,

but gather donated toys as well. As it turns out, our pickleball friend Tony (l), along with his daughter, are members so that was really fun. As was the "Ugly Christmas Sweater" contest. How do you feel about Bruce's sweater?

Some called it cute, but to my eyes, it is pretty darn ugly! Mine was as well, however, the contest was not won by either of us, instead the prize went to Peg who had fun altering an already ugly sweater.

Diane opted for an entire ensemble, courtesy of a visit to the Goodwill boutique in Winter Park.

Ellie is standing next to the table and by the end of the party it was laden with gifts galore. Close to 100! The following day the folks at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission were delighted.

Connie had a ladies get together last Thursday night, outdoing her previous efforts, a difficult task for sure, on the delicious appetizers,

as well as the guest list! The gang was indeed all there. (note Peg rewearing the sweater and rubbing it in!) 

While at Connies, I noticed, not for the first time, but it may as well have been, that she had pushed her dining table against the wall at the end. The very next morning I asked Bruce if that might work in our kitchen, Heck yeah it did!

Instead of having just three kitchen seats available, we now have four! Seriously, we have been here four years and this idea just came to mind? Sheepishly, I have to answer in the affirmative! Anyway, the set table above was for the potluck breakfast we were hosting for our new Dover Shores friends. The table in the "dining" room was set as well.

The tree was lit with the amazing array of presents wrapped, not by yours truly, but her darling husband.

More than one person this season has asked if they are real presents? 😀

The twisted bacon was ready too. Leaving the party the evening before, when I mentioned the breakfast, Sandy immediately said that twisted bacon was not only all the rage, but it actually lives up to the hype. It did work nicely, allowing me to cook an entire pound on one jelly roll pan in the oven, leaving no mess, not to mention no tending too!

I will leave the "googling" to you!

Although various calamities kept some ladies from attending, we had a marvelous morning of getting to know one another better. Mary set her camera on a timer, allowing me to be in the shot for a change.

When Bruce returned a few hours later, while we were tidying up, he opened a hostess gift from Rene and said, as is his custom, "oh wow!" Oh wow indeed.

Honestly, I could not have been more pleased! 

During a visit to Hobby Lobby for a few Christmas items, we found this guy at 70% off and thought, "why not?"

If some weather predictions hold true, this very thing might happen, although I seriously doubt the forecast will prove true. That said, miracles do happen!

The lights are looking good.

Should you be wondering, most people living in here, do not do much in the way of outdoor decorating, however, we just really love outdoor lighting this time of year. 

Next up on the agenda was a birthday dinner for our daughter-in-law Michelle last night. Originally Bruce had an engagement, but he canceled that in order to be here for her.  Only problem was that I had to think fast and these days my quick thinking is not what it used to be. Nonetheless, I thought of one of my favorites, hoping it would become one of hers. Dirty Risotto mise en place below.

While it has been featured here in Camera Crazy in the past, for those who missed it, I highly recommend Giada's recipe which you can find here. She will shoot me for posting this photo, which I took while no one was looking, but here goes anyway.

Roasted green beans, along with some bakery bread from Publix made for a meal to remember. Which is to say that David and Michelle loved it. A homemade chocolate cake with crushed peppermint on top held the candles.

Do not ask me why I chose to use that waxed paper! Plus, the cake looked way better in person. Or is that me looking at it through rose colored glasses?

Busy, busy, busy. 

Your story as well. 

Yet four mornings a week, we arrive at the crack of dawn to hit a ball back and forth over a net. 

Isn't it great to be alive?

your friend,


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