
A Complete Checklist of Unusual Early Pregnancy Symptoms


100+ Women Share their Weird Early Pregnancy Symptoms you May not Have Heard of

Am I pregnant?  This question has the power to completely control your thoughts.  Maybe you’re in the two week wait, dying to take a pregnancy test.  Maybe you’re experiencing strange symptoms and wondering if pregnancy might be the culprit.  Either way, early pregnancy symptoms can be tricky.  The more common early pregnancy symptoms can mimic symptoms of your period getting ready to start.  However, there are some unusual pregnancy symptoms that aren’t quite as common.  Over 100 women told me their strange early pregnancy symptoms.  Most of these symptoms started before a missed period.  Here’s what they said.


“Coffee starts to taste bad.”

“Vomited at the smell of fish or curry.  Curry is a staple for me!”

“I almost puked when given eggs and bacon.  Knew I was pregnant, took the test two days later.”

“Coffee aversion.”

“Couldn’t stand the look or smell of chicken!”

“No interest in wine.”

“Couldn’t eat chicken at all.  Couldn’t even sit through a chicken cooking video.”

unusual early pregnancy symptoms

Increased Sense of Smell

“Insomnia and incredible sense of smell.  I knew every time.”

“Could smell everything so intensely a few days before I even found out.”

“The smell of everything was enhanced around me, especially body odor.”

“Smell aversion.  Couldn’t stand being in the kitchen during dinner cooking.  Knew before I tested.”

“Sniffed out a cracker from across the room.”

“Crazy sense of smell and excess saliva.”

“With both pregnancies, my husband’s skin and breath stunk to me.”

“Smelling everything from miles away.”

“Opening the refrigerator and instantly gagging/puking from the intense mixture of smells.”

Related: The Best High Tech Fertility Monitors to Help you get Pregnant

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

“My whole body would get hot like too soon into a workout or going outside.”


“Extreme hot flashes.  Could only be in underwear I was so hot.”

“Night sweats and tons of heart palpitations.”

Increased Urination

“Peeing in the middle of the night.  I immediately knew after two nights.”

“Peeing all through the night.  I always knew I was pregnant if I peed more than once at night.”

“Had to pee in the middle of the night.”

“Waking up to pee in the night! Like the second hormones kicked in, I was waking up.”


“Crazy bloated and instantly craving oj with lemonade for both pregnancies.”

“Weird tummy shape when I was bloated all the time before I tested.

“Major bloat with my second. Bloated the moment of conception.”

early pregnancy symptoms checklist

Vivid Dreams

“Really vivid dreams.”

“Vivid dreams. I typically never dream.”

“Very vivid dreams.”

“Vivid dreams.”

“Strange dreams about pregnancy and birth.  When I took a test I was shocked to be pregnant.”

“Lost of naked dreams, as in seeing people naked in a non-sexual way.”

“Weird, super vivid, dreams.”

Dizzy Spells, Heart Palpitations, and Shortness of Breath

“Heart racing and felt jittery.”

“I had minor heart palpitations starting about 5 days before I could take a test.”

“My body seemed off and I had really bad heart palpitations.”

“Light headed, but in a unique pregnancy way.”

“Dizzy spells.”

“Dizziness and headaches.”

“My balance was off and I felt a little funny when working out.”

“Extreme shortness of breath.”

“Heart palpitations.”

“Tons of heart palpitations.”

Sore Breasts

“Sore boobs.”

“Boobs hurt more than usual.”

“My breasts were super tingly like that feeling when your feet fall asleep.”

“The most specific nipple twinge.”

“My boobs hurt so bad!”

“Boobs hurt so bad I couldn’t even shower.”

“My boobs.  I couldn’t wear a seatbelt it hurt that much.  I’d that pain instantly if I got pregnant again.”

“Boobs hurting.”

“My boobs felt like they were on fire.”

Gagging and Nausea

“Suddenly gagging when brushing my teeth.  It was my first symptom all four pregnancies.”

“Gagging while brushing my teeth.”

“Nausea.  It hit mainly around 5 or 6pm. It was awful.”

“Gag reflex! Couldn’t swallow vitamins anymore.”

“Randomly throwing up.”

“Car sick a week before testing.  Both times I just knew.”

pregnancy symptoms before missed period

Exhaustion and Fatigue

“Extremely tired.”

“Extreme emotions and exhaustion.”

“Fatigue.  I literally want to sleep for 22 hours a day.”

“I wanted to nap all the time.  And I’m not a napper at all.”

“Dead tiredness.  I could fall asleep anywhere, anytime in like three minutes.”

“Sleepy out of nowhere.  Like I was eating spaghetti and had to lay down I was falling asleep.”

“So tired I would fall asleep at my desk.”

“Exhaustion! Like can’t keep my eyes open exhaustion.”

Gas and Digestive Issues

“Burping like a frat boy.”

“I was farting a lot!  Very gassy.”

“My tummy was messed up and I had very loose stool.”

“I get this weird hiccup/burp thing in the mornings.”

“Heartburn and side cramps.”

Metallic Taste

“Metallic taste and felt like I was spinning constantly.”

“I had a metallic taste.”

“A metal taste in my mouth.”

“Metallic taste!”

“Had a metallic taste.”

“The taste of metal and put off by caffeine.”

“I had a metallic taste.  We were in wine country and I couldn’t taste properly.”

metallic taste in early pregnancy

Aches and Pains

“Round ligament pain.”

“Sensitive teeth.  Got three positive tests before missed period.”

“Restless legs/feet.”


“A sharp pain when I stood up too fast – both pregnancies.”

“Pain in one of my shoulders.”

“Incredible back pain.”

“Leg pains.”

“Mine was a tingly sensation in my legs for the first, and in my face for the second.”

Cold Symptoms and Sinus Issues

“Constantly blowing my nose.  I guess it’s called pregnancy rhinitis.”

“I had cold-like symptoms with my second.”

cold symptoms early pregnancy


“I just knew.”

“My womb just felt soft and fuzzy.  Had that for like 10 days before missed period.”

“I just knew.  For both pregnancies I knew before I could test and we weren’t actively trying either time.”

Some say pregnancy symptoms don’t start until a few weeks into the pregnancy, but most of these moms agree their symptoms started extremely early, before a missed period. Sometimes it’s the more uncommon pregnancy symptoms that can tip you off before you even take a pregnancy test. Use these more unusual pregnancy symptoms as a checklist to see if you might be pregnant.


Unusual Early Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period

The post A Complete Checklist of Unusual Early Pregnancy Symptoms appeared first on Coffee and Coos.

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