
Delicious Sparkling Vanilla Cherry Sugar-Free Lemonade


The sun is shining, the trees are blooming and I’m here for it! Oh my how I love summer. My deck becomes my private haven where I spend most of my time. I love getting cozy on my outdoor couch with a great book and a refreshing cold beverage. I may live in a fish bowl but my privacy deck panels and curtains keep anyone from seeing me when I close my eyes for a lovely summer nap. Seriously the best! As you know I have been eating a Paleo diet for the past six years to manage my Rheumatoid Arthritis. Since I don’t eat refined sugar, each year I like to find a new summer drink to have as a treat. And this year I was craving some yummy tart lemonade. So I came up with a Sparkling Vanilla Cherry Sugar-Free Lemonade that I’m excited to share with you.

Delicious Sparkling Vanilla Cherry Sugar-Free Lemonade at I'm an Organizing Junkie blog

Sparkling Vanilla Cherry Sugar-Free Lemonade

So if you want a yummy lemonade, you’re obviously going to need some real lemons. I love having a big bowl full of lemons sitting out on my counter at this time of year read to grab. Yellow is also my favorite color so they just make me happy to look it.

Pretty Bowl of Lemons

I also knew that I wanted to mix my lemonade with some kind of sparkling water or soda to give it a little fizz. Plus, I also wanted to add some 100% juice for a bit of natural sweetness. I tried so many different combinations of juice and sparkling water and finally found exactly what I was looking for.

President's Choice Vanilla Cherry Sparkling Water

Then I found the new unsweetened President’s Choice Vanilla Cherry Sparkling Soda at my local No Frills. And no this post is not sponsored, I just really like trying all things new. I am so happy with how this winning combination of freshly squeezed lemons, SunRype wildberry 100% juice and sparkling water turned out. It is so refreshing especially on a hot day!

Amazing lemonade combination

Squeezing fresh lemons

My “recipe” includes 2 freshly squeezed lemons, 1 cup of 100% fruit juice and 1 cup of unsweetened sparkling water or soda. It’s a definite winner. Now I have no idea if you have President Choice products in the US. I’m sad for you if you don’t but I’m sure you can find a similar substitute wherever you are. Or create your own with any juice/water combination. The choices really are unlimited. But this is the one that I’ll be enjoying this year. So good!

Delicious Sparkling Vanilla Cherry Sugar-Free Lemonade

Now keep in mind that this drink combo is a little on the tart side. That’s what I was looking for. However I did share some with my sugar-loving teenage son and he really liked it too and didn’t mind the tartness at all. If you’d prefer your drink a little on the sweeter side though, and still want to keep it refined sugar-free, you can always heat in a saucepan on the stove (on low), one cup water to 1/2 cup honey until dissolved. Store in the fridge and add to your drinks to taste.

Delicious Sparkling Vanilla Cherry Sugar-Free Lemonade

Here are a few pictures of my deck oasis as I like to call it. I’ve updated it over the years and every year I seem to add more and more flowers. I just can’t help myself. After seven long months of winter, I am just so ready for color. So I add pops of it all around my very small but cozy deck. And all summer long I soak up all the beauty!

cozy private deck oasis

pretty deck

pretty deck flowers

Beautiful deck flowers

I hope you enjoy a sunny hot weekend wherever you live. Let me know if you get a chance to try this delicious sugar-free lemonade. I hope you like it. Cheers!

Delicious Sparkling Vanilla Cherry Sugar-Free Lemonade

Here are some other delicious drink recipes you may also like:

Homemade Skinny Coffee Frappuccino

Cold-Brewed Iced Tea (sweetened without refined sugar)

Dairy-Free Cherry Pineapple Green Smoothie

My Everyday Healthy Green Smoothie

If you're seeing Delicious Sparkling Vanilla Cherry Sugar-Free Lemonade anywhere other than on I'm an Organizing Junkie (or via my email list or a feed reader) it is being used by someone else without my permission. Please let me know, thank you!

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