
How to Protect Your Pets Including Pest Control?


Check out some of the most common insects that can endanger your dog’s health, and learn more about safeguarding them during pest control treatment. 

By Guest Blogger, Oliver Martinez

With warmer weather just around the corner, an influx of bugs is to be expected. Insect bites on dogs and cats are a common problem for pet owners, and in the majority of cases, they only cause temporary and mild itching. 

Still, some of the tiny bugs can pose a significant risk to your furry friends and lead to serious health problems.

Check out some of the most common insects that can endanger your pet’s health, and learn more about safeguarding them during pest control treatment. 

Fleas Can Be Infected With Tapeworm 

Fleas are more than just annoying little insects that cause itching and swelling around the bite. Pets can get tapeworms if they swallow an infected flea, so it’s important to keep them off your animals. Chewable treats, pills, and topical solutions are extremely effective when it comes to combating fleas. 

These little imposters are difficult to eradicate once they settle in your home, so in addition to treating your fur babies, vacuum and wash the areas where your dog frequently resides, and consider pest control treatment. 

Since rodents carry fleas, too, make sure to talk to a technician about effective rodent extermination methods.

Mosquitoes Can Transmit Heartworm Larvae 

We used to perceive mosquitos as annoying, harmless pests that cause itching and nothing more, too. 

But the truth is they transmit heartworm larvae to dogs and cats that can make them very ill. If the disease isn’t diagnosed on time and properly treated, it can be fatal, especially in dogs.

To prevent your dog from getting infected with heartworm, use oral or topical preventive year-round. 

Investing in home pest control will minimize the risk and ensure your property is safe and mosquito-free. This is especially important for places with warmer climates that tend to struggle with nasty pests.

Pests like fleas and mosquitos are a major problem throughout the United States. In Phoenix, Arizona, situated in one of the world’s sunniest regions, Anthem pest control conducts pest control treatment and provides pest-free and safe environments for humans and their furry companions. 

Ticks Can Carry Various Pathogens

Ticks are especially dangerous as they can carry serious diseases that can harm both dogs and humans. Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Bartonella, to name just a few, can be difficult to diagnose right away. 

Prevention medications are your best weapon in keeping your dog tick-free and healthy. 

Check your four-legged friends after every walk nose-to-tail, and stay attentive to any unusual behaviors like lethargy so you can contact your vet timely. 

Pet Safety During Pest Control

Most pest control treatments are considered to be safe, but it’s always best to be careful than sorry, as some of them may be harmful. So, it’s important to take care to keep your dogs, cats, fish, birds, and other pets safe. 

Let’s take a look at how to safeguard your beloved pets during pest control treatment.

Speak to Your Insect Control Technician

When discussing the treatment options with pest control service providers, inform them that you have pets and ask for pet-friendly options. A competent pest control technician will tailor the treatment accordingly and provide you with advice on proper safeguard measures depending on the treatment in use.

Remove Pets During Pest Control Treatment

Removing your pets from the area is the best way to keep them safe during pest control treatment. Make sure to remove their food and water bowls, too, until the treatment is over. 

Depending on the treatment, you may need to remove your pets from the premises and take them to a friend’s house, doggy daycare, or your workplace. If only a specific area requires pest control treatment, you can restrain or cage your pets away from that area.

Please return them to the treated area when the products that the products used have completely dried.

Remove Bird Cages From the Treatment Area

Birds have delicate lungs, so they are susceptible to pest control chemicals. 

If they are being applied to internal spaces, move the animal away from the treatment area. Cover the cage with a sheet or a blanket, and move it outside.

Ensure the windows are closed during the treatment as you don’t want the chemicals to drift out and reach your pet. 

Let it inside only after the chemicals have dried completely and you’ve aired the treatment area sufficiently. 

Insect bites are unavoidable, but you should do your best to eliminate these pesky creatures by taking prevention seriously. Implement necessary measures to protect your pets so you can relax while they are making their standard mischiefs! 

about the author

Oliver Martinez is a writer and designer. He is very interested in writing about design, beauty, and fashion in general. Oliver is curious to collaborate with professionals who think similarly to him.

You can find him on Facebook and Twitter. 

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