
Little tweaks make a huge difference


Thursday 11th May 2023
Perfection isn't necessary

It was lovely to see a few members who'd been awol return yesterday and getting messages from a few more.  It's much too easy to say, 'I can't do this' or 'I can do it alone', then a few weeks later, we've done nothing but feel like we can't go back and start again.  You can always return, always start again, always draw the line and go back to basics.

The secret is when you do return, not to try and change everything all at once, one tweak a week and make that a habit and you'll be surprised at the progress you can make.  Don't set your Nutraceck app for a 2lb a week weight loss, set it for 1lb, heck if you lose 1/2lb a week, you'll barely notice the changes you need to make and you'll lose 2 stone in a year - I'd like to be 2 stone lighter this time next year wouldn't you? 

I'd planned to do my 15 minute indoor walk again yesterday but it didn't happen, I went supermarket shopping which took me over an hour because I enjoyed wandering around for a change, I didn't enjoy the bill at the end lol.  Aryn had said he wanted to go to the gym on the night so I thought if we do that, I can do my 15 minutes on a treadmill, well he changed his mind and by then it was almost 6 o'clock and I had to make dinner, which then needed to settle after being eaten so the walk didn't happen.  My knee was hurting and inflamed too so it wasn't difficult for me to talk myself out of it. 

I will do it today though, when I get home lunchtime and before Aryn gets home from school, I will do my indoor mile.  One small change at a time ay? 

Foodwise, I had egg and tinned ham in a wrap for breakfast with some spinach, then for dinner we had my last Gousto at my 25% discount offer, Honey Miso & Peanut Chicken Thigh Stir-Fry, it was very tasty, we both aren't fans of Pok Chai though. However, if you fancy 65% off first box & 25% for 2 months like I've had, here's the link, you can cancel at anytime.


The recipe for the meal is here, 10-Min Honey Miso & Peanut Chicken Stir-Fry | Gousto 
I'd do it again without the pok chai.

I thought I had one last 25% discount this week and it was showing, so I changed the delivery to Friday because I wanted it later, but then when they took the money and the discount hadn't been taken off!  Apparently my offer ended on the 9th but they didn't advise that so I cancelled the delivery and had my money back, I've gone to cancel for the foreseeable and the app is offering me 35% off the next 3 deliveries so I'm tempted :) They even sent me an email offering me £20 when you refer your 1st friend, £30 for your 2nd friend and £40 for your 3rd friend until Friday 09 June, wow, that would be nice if 3 folk sign up, I'd like that a lot. 

First to decide what to eat today, see this is why I like the Gousto, the decisions have already been made for me, so there's no thinking to be made.  I'll go look through the cupboards and freezer.  I might have fish, actually I can have one of the healthier versions and do Aryn the last battered one, we can have with frozen chips and veggies.  Quick, easy meal the oven cooks for me :) oh I can put it in the actifry can't I, perfect. 

Today, I'm going to make sure I drink a bottle of water, notice I've said one, not 4, I know I can do one, but the thought of more won't inspire me, you never know I might surprise myself and manage 2. 

Small tweaks each week is the path to success.

Oh and it would help if it would stop raining wouldn't it.  We'll have to make our own sunshine, won't we!  I've got our lovely huddles to look forward to today, Elle and I have our sing along to the radio, that makes me smile, 
We always have a giggle in the huddles too, makes going to work a pleasure, it really does.  It's not all giggles of course, we are there to support our members, they tell us so much about their lives, it's not just about the weight loss, let's be honest, our lives affect our eating habits constantly don't they.  We get a bit of stress, we reach for a treat, we're super busy so we order a takeaway, we have something to celebrate so we go out for a meal.  Yep you can't separate the two...

I better go get ready for work, an omelette for breakfast maybe, we'll see, I'm not hungry right now but I won't get back till one, which is a long time to go without food ain't it.

Here's to a good day, eating some healthy food, we've got this!

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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