
Review: Tinned Escargot


I stopped down at my hometown fish market, Great Depths for some scallops as they are my mother’s favorite, and we left with so much more. The thing that I was most excited about was this tinned escargot from Roland’s. I freaking LOVE escargot, I mean how can you go wrong; but I was thinking, “how in the hell can tinned snails be any good?” Well I’m here to let you know the truth.

With the first step of the recipe on the can is also my first barrier. The recipe notes to place the snails in the shell… The can doesn’t come with shells and I later discover you have to buy them seperately. My whole escargot world has been shattered as I just assumed these snails were harvested with their shells. So I decide, screw it I am cooking them in butter and garlic anyways so we will be okay.

In a small crock, I add 2/3 cup melted butter + 2 garlic minced cloves + thyme. I add in the drained escargot and bake at 350F, covered, until the butter is bubbling, about 25 minutes. I served it with some toasted french bread and a crisp white wine.

As surpising as it sounds, tinned escargot was the move! I put on some French jazz and was pretending to be back in Paris. It was buttery, garlicy, and so perfectly savory. I absolutely will be buying it again and I recommend you try it out yourself!

Made with Love,


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