
Romantic Reveries, Volume 21


Hello January. Here we are, returning to a routine and easing ourselves gently into the new year. My January has been filled with peaceful and happy reclusive moments: long family walks, coming home to peanut butter cookies and pots of tea, snuggled up under a faux fur blanket by the fire. We’ve been at home most weekends spending time together as a family, getting to the jobs that fell by the wayside in the run-up to Christmas, and batch cooking for the freezer.

I’ve taken on the task of redecorating a bathroom and making a new blind (although it would be more accurate to say ‘cobbling together’ a new blind!) The weather hasn’t leant itself to exciting outdoor activities, but I’d missed time with just Ben and the children, so it was restorative to just be in each other’s company.

Something that has been crossing my path a lot this month is the topic of mental health awareness.  Whether it’s following Marcus Rashford and his on-pitch gestures or listening to podcasts by Rangan Chatterjee and Fearne Cotton (I’m mildly obsessed with ‘Happy Place’).  Dr Julie Smith, a clinical psychologist and recent guest on the Happy Place podcast, talked about enacting the ‘Big Five’ as a way to help stop anxiety and depression setting in:

1. Eat well (and to a routine).

2. Sleep well (and to a routine)

3. Stay connected to your friends and family.

4. Exercise (a 15 minute walk in your lunch hour is enough)

5. Explore, stay eager to learn about your surroundings and wider elements of culture.

This simple yet super-effective mini list struck a chord within me and made sense, so Dr Julie’s new book is next on my reading list.

In other news, our whippet puppy Noodles celebrates his first birthday in February. He’s really felt the cold recently, so I’ve bought clothes for him instead of me this month! He has a wardrobe of three fleece coats – one loved and lucky hound! The love he brings to the family is equal to the mud his paws bring to the kitchen floor.

In the business, we’ve been busy shooting our new and exclusive French-style beds, designed by our in-house team.  Our latest labour of love, the Pavilion Garden Stripe Bed (pictured above) was launched on our website last week. It represents a look ahead to carefree summer moments, when life feels simple and sweet. The bunches of hyacinths, and watermelon & cucumber mocktails on set helped stave off any January blues. We choose to centre our photoshoots around friends, not models, so the emotions you see are authentic and heartfelt.

Wishing you an uplifting and hopeful month, inclusive of the Big Five.



Fearne Cotton’s podcast Happy Place is a truly uplifting show, not to mention the most-listened-to wellness podcast in the UK!  

Discussion around what happiness means, where it comes from, and how to keep it is presented with wit and wisdom with some incredible guests.


If you’re finding it hard to maintain the first point in the (aforementioned) Big Five, Jamie Oliver 5 Ingredients is a great helping hand.

With just five ingredients, you can create tasty, healthy meals in under 30 minutes.  It’s the perfect way to combat that winter lethargy and put some fun into cooking, with easy wins that taste great.

These tasty Thai fish cakes were proudly prepared by our very own Holly in Marketing!


Noodles now has a wardrobe of three beautiful and cosy coats from The Trendy Whippet.

Chloe started this online business in 2016 when she and her partner couldn’t find a suitable coat for their own whippet, who was feeling the cold in the winter months.

Now her range has expanded, and she still manages the business all by herself!


From the popular podcast How To Fail by Elizabeth Day, Failosophy and Failosophy for Teens are game-changing books. 

These books are on a mission to remove the fear, stigma and perception around ‘failing’ and make us all happier, less anxious, more successful people.

Failosophy for Teens makes a great gift for young people and students who are at a point in their lives where they feel under a lot of pressure and the fear of failure is real – from exams, university applications or job interviews.


We caught up with homes and interiors enthusiast Gemma of @childhoodinteriorsbygemma to chat about her perfect Sunday and her passion for styling.

1 . Describe your perfect Sunday

I love a slow morning. I like to snuggle on the sofa with my young children and enjoy a cup of coffee. In my house, you never really get a lie in, so this is the next best thing! We usually head out for a late lunch at a local farm shop and finish up with a walk. Living rurally, the walks are always incredible and real mood boosters.

2. What is your favourite room in your home and why?

As much as I love my cosy bedroom, which I am forever renovating, I’m currently in love with my dining room. I just completed a full room makeover and added a chinoiserie wall mural that makes my heart sing. This was a project and I’m very proud of it, but simple changes can also be transformative.

3. What’s your top tip for getting to sleep?

A killer combination of quality bedding, quality PJs… and a good book! 

4. What does Me Time mean to you?

This is tricky as I’m a bit of a contradiction when it comes to relaxing and time by myself. I love having a bath and covering myself from head to toe in fabulous smelling lotions and potions. However, to keep my mind healthy, I need a project. I love creating and I’m usually happiest when I’m planning the next project. It’s full on and often exhausting but so rewarding! 

5. Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less.

Nurturing, inspiring and magical.


As always, we have been busy bringing you our favourite blog topics this month. We talked about How To Sleep In Cold Weather, gave you the lowdown on Pantone's Colour Of The Year: Viva Magenta and discussed How To Style With Green, According To Your Personality.

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