
Smoked Salmon And Cucumber Sandwiches


Manuka Smoked Sliced Salmon was on sale  at  Fantasy Store ,here in Male' , its a specialty shop  I would say, as its the only place that sold gourmet food, cold meats and various cheeses etc. But I love visiting there and was so excited to finally find smoked salmon at a reasonable price.  As soon as hubby found out I was going to use smoked salmon  he made a l  "I don't really like" that face LOL, talk about fussy kids even the father can be fussy at times . I promised him he will like it.
Even the boys ate it without a big fuss.  I referred to a few recipes online and went for the most kid friendly one, chopped up smoked salmon mixed with dill, cream cheese and instead of chives I used spring onion. I didn't have Tabasco to add some heat so used what I had in hand, Maggi chilli garlic sauce.

Recipe : Smoked Salmon and Cucumber Sandwiches, inspired by Smoked Salmon dip recipe from Self Proclaimed Foodie

Makes 6 sandwiches

12 slices of brown bread, toasted
half a cucumber, thinly sliced
1 pack Manuka or any other kind of Smoked Salmon, chopped
1 tsp of finely chopped Dill
2 spring onions , green part only, chopped finly
pinch salt
100g cream cheese ( I used Emborg brand)
A little juice of lemon, about  1 - 2 tsp. 
about 1 tsp of chilli sauce ( I used Maggi Chilli Garlic sauce) 
pinch of pepper

Whip the cream cheese, mix in  the herbs, and chopped up  salmon.  

Squeeze in lemon( or lime juice) , and  gently mix with a spoon. Taste adjust seasoning and add more lemon juice if necessary.

Spread the salmon mixture on the toasted bread, top with thin slices of cucumber. Add the remaining slice of bread and cut into half or if you want smaller pieces into quarters. Repeat with the rest of the toasted bread. 

Serve !

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