Meat can be one of the most expensive things you purchase at the grocery store. The good news is that there are ways to save money. Whether you stock up when there's a sale or vacuum seal your meat to preserve it, you can get the best bang for your buck. Let's take a closer look at tips to save money on meat.
Stock Up on Sale Items
Whenever you see a great deal, you want to stock up. This will help prevent you from having to pay full price. Sales do rotate on a regular basis. Pay attention to how often your store has chicken, pork, and beef on sale and stock up to fill the gap. You can use a price book to keep track of the best sale prices in your area so you know when to buy.
Check for Reduced Prices
Another great tip is to look for reduced price packages of meat. These packages are close to the sell by date, but are still fresh. You can get these items and save money. You just want to make sure to package and freeze the meat as soon as you get home. This is not the meat you want to buy and keep in the fridge to cook throughout the week because the sell by date is close.
Clip Coupons
Believe it or not, you can find coupons on meat from time to time. It might be a coupon for the meat itself or a coupon to save on meat when you buy a certain product. You want to match these coupons to sales to get the best savings.
Use Coupon Overages
A coupon overage is when your coupon's face value exceeds the price of the item being purchased. Stores like Walmart allow for coupon overages. When this happens, you can buy items, such as meat, that will be paid for with the overage.
Vacuum Seal the Meat
Last, but not least, when you stock up on meat you want to make sure to vacuum seal the meat. Vacuum sealed meat can last much, much longer than if you just popped the items into freezer bags. If you don't have a vacuum sealer, buy one. This is an item that is well worth the cost and will end up paying for itself in the amount of food that doesn't go to waste.
We have a FoodSaver vacuum sealer, and I use it all the time for my meat. I like to buy in bulk, separate the meat and then vacuum seal each portion.
You don't have to pay full price for meat. Watch out for sales, reduced price packages, and great coupons. You can also use coupon overage to save money. Once you get home, be sure to vacuum seal that meat so that it lasts longer.
The post 5 Tricks to Save Money on Meat appeared first on Centsable Momma.
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