News — DinnerCampingRecipes

Looking for vegetarian camping recipes that make for a hearty, hand-held, slightly warm, meal for your next camp trip?

Looking for vegetarian camping recipes that make for a hearty, hand-held, slightly warm, meal for your next camp trip?

My recipe for this Grilled Tortilla With Veggies And Black Beans Burrito Camping Recipe will do the trick!  Psst we’re compensated…see our disclosures. Grilled Veggie Tortilla Camp Recipe Shhhh, don’t tell my family it’s meatless I don’t like to talk about vegetarian meals to my regular camp crowd because most of them think a meal without meat is just a starter snack. So, when I road-tested this recipe on a recent camp trip, it took a few bites before anyone even noticed this totally satisfying and delicious recipe is actually meatless. I love using canned beans as a meat substitute...