
Slow-Cooked Beef Stew


Picture the scene youve just come back from a fresh, chilly, November walk. Theres frost on the grass, and crunchy leaves underfoot. You walk in the door and are greeted by the warming smell of a gorgeous stew cookingIs there a better winter-warmer dinner on a dark evening, than a melt in the mouth, stew or casserole thats been slowly cooking away all day? I think not!

Whetherwe add grilled sausages to the pot, and top with puff pastry as Steak Pie, or omit potatoes, use a beef joint rather than diced, and serve with roast dinner trimmings, this is always a firm favourite in our home!

There are lots of ways you can change the flavour of this stew, you could add Worcester sauce, or top with dumplings, you could also add mushrooms or other veg- I love mushrooms in this dish, but H hates them so much that he pretends to be allergic! However you decide to customise yours for your family, this is a great base, and its perfect for a chilly autumn or winter evening!


  1. Into my slow cooker, I throw 500g of lean diced beef, peeled and chopped veg (around 3 large carrots, a few potatoes, and one large onion), along with 2 peeled and crushed cloves of garlic, 2 bay leaves, and 2 gluten free stock pots (you can use any beef stock).
  2. Cook on high for an hour, then reduce to low for around 4 hours, stirring occasionally if youre at home, if not dont worry!
  3. When the meat is tender and the veg is soft its ready- prepare to fall in love if youve never tried potatoes cooked like this! Screenshot_20191108_171310
  4. A few minutes before serving, fish-out the bay leaves, and feel free to add some gravy granules to thicken the liquid, or an oxo cube. We dont usually bother, but you do you!
  5. To serve, we normally keep it simple with fresh green veggies seasoned with garlicky butter, and lots of freshly cracked black pepper, gorgeous!burst

Very short and sweet, but its so good!

Let me knowhow you have yours, or if theres anything you do differently that I can try out too!

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