
Summer Solstice & Father’s Day Celebration


Tuesday, June 21nd is Summer Solstice 2022. Today is Father’s Day. To celebrate Summer’s arrival as well as honoring parents of growing souls, I offer you this guided meditation to welcome a season of growth.

Time to begin to relax, settle in. And take a few moments to take a few deep breaths.

Allow the hustle and bustle of the day to fall away for the moment. So taking a few deep breaths — breathing in on the count of four is a good idea. Let’s walk through a few deep breaths here, counting in on . . .





And then we would release on — four . . . .



And one.

So sitting back or lying down, closing your eyes, let’s begin to take a deep breath.





And releasing that breath — four.




Now allow your breath to be normal. Be aware of your feelings. Allow thoughts to melt into simple feelings.

In our next deep breath, see if you can invite in just a little more air. Imagine lighting up your body just a little more with air. Begin your next deep breath now.





. . . and release . . .




And one.

On our third deep breath feel your shoulders rising and falling. Feel your belly expanding and contracting. Imagine lighting up inside. Begin our third deep breath on — one . . .




. . . and now breathing out any darkness . . .




And one.

All right! Now that we’ve gotten into a little more of an awake and aware state, it’s important that you continue to remember to deeply breathe throughout this guided meditation. And equally important is to begin to feel comfortable, grounded, connected. So let’s spend a couple of moments now just getting connected and grounded.

You’re welcome to do that in any way you feel comfortable.

If you’re seated with your feet on the floor just imagine wherever you’re feeling in contact with a surface that you begin to bond comfortably, effortlessly with that surface.

Another way to imagine getting grounded is wherever you feel contact — where you sense contact — you begin to grow roots deep into that space. Imagine your feet growing roots of light. These light roots grow down into the floor; into the ground, deep within Gaia. Feel sturdy, connected.

Feel a flow begin to happen between what’s outside and the inside. Just imagine a figure eight, the infinite symbol being drawn within your body. From the top of your head to the tip of your toes. And then expand that figure eight like a rubber band. Just expand it just a little bit outside of your body so that that figure comes out the top of your head. And as you go down to your toes, it releases down past your toes a little bit into the ground or into the atmosphere.

And continue on expanding that figure eight. Your eight begins to go from top to bottom; side to side. Feel multiple connections – inside and out. Just imagine it stretching from within the room to outside of the room in all directions. Feeling grounded as you move outside your walls, possibly outside your home. Just begin to feel that expansion growing.

Now you’re up into the sky and deep into the ground. And before you know it, you’re well past the sky into outer space. Connecting this beautiful figure eight is going all the way out into the cosmos, back into the center of your heart then deep into Gaia then back out to the cosmos again.

Feel a pulse of pure energy. And as you find yourself getting grounded in whatever way you feel comfortable I invite the power joy and love from the prayer of the Seven Directions. Let us invite all seven directions.

Fathers of the East, with love we honor you for co-creating life…

Fathers of the South, with warmth we embrace compassion…

Fathers of the West, in gratitude we sit together in peace…

Fathers of the North, we welcome your eternal perspective…

Fathers of the Stars, we invite and hear your visions…

Fathers of the Lava, with love, compassion, gratitude, perspective and wisdom, we steward our lands…

Fathers of all ways, blessed are we for our abundance, always.

And at this time, I invite you to sense who or what is around you. Invite your guides. Invite your angels. Invite your beings that you know are part of you to guide you effortlessly. To awaken in you all that needs to be awakened with ease and grace.

Invite your animal guides. Sense now if there is a four or two legged animal wishing to be near you as you take this journey.

You may have winged guides. Do you sense taking flight? Do you sense seeing things above to below.

You may have an aqua guide of some type. Fish. Shark. Dalphin. Crab. Seahorse.

Possibly a reptile guide.

Or bugs? Our creepy-crawler guides.

Take a moment now just to feel around to. Any beings that are here to be your unconditionally loving guide into your next steps of growth.


Breathing in a sense of growth each time you fill your lungs with air. Summer is a powerful growth season in many forms. We’ve already planted our seeds. Summer is a time for seed growth.

Now take a moment to honor your growth. Take a moment to wander back to when . . .

. . . you were just beginning to grow in some form or fashion.

Whether it’s physical growth . . .

. . . emotional expansion . . .

. . . spiritual re-awakening . . .

Pick a moment in time where you sense just an amazing spurt of growth because you experienced some TLC of some type.

Remember seeds contains all it needs to grow when it’s planted in fertile soil. Take a moment now to fertilize your space, your seed with gratitude.

Gratitude for all that has helped you grow.

Imagine hugging someone you dearly love who has been a key part of your life and helping you learn, laugh and grow. Feeling gratitude just for them being themselves, whether they’re here with us now or they returned home to their Source. Feel them now, feeling gratitude for them just being themselves and allowing you to be yourself. Just imagine that gratitude like a light turning on inside you. Always been there. Now your inner light is a little brighter. Turning up that dimmer switch of gratitude so that you become bright from the inside out. From head to toe.

Imagine what it would be like if all of a sudden light started replacing every hair on your body and you just started to glow. Light coming out of your eyes, your ears, your nose, your mouth. All the pores of your body just radiating light because gratitude is lit you up so strongly inside.

And should there be any darkness – darkness related to running away from something. Running away from a lesson. Running away from a chance to grow. Allow this light to just dissolve it — envelop it. Like a drop of black ink dropped into a crystal clear glass of purified water. Any fear just dissolving away.

And as that black ink drop dissolves, slowly but surely, you breathe in minute by minute. As you breathe in, imagine breathing in more water, clear purified water into that glass. Filling that glass with fresh water. It’s overflowing. Whatever darkness was in that glass is being replaced with light.

Refreshing you.

Watering you. Watering your seed. Feeding your seed of light.

And if you are ready — now begin a journey — a continued journey of dissolving any self imposed rules that limit you from amazing growth.

Effortless growth.

Joyful growth.

Allow yourself to take a few moments to just see what rules you’ve put in place concerning growth. How big or small are those rules. Much like a potted plant — the pot being a rule. Do you feel that pot constraining your desire to grow. And if so, is it time to grow in such a way that the pot just cracks open. The rule breaks open! And you begin to realize that there’s more fertile soil past that pot that you can grow into.

By breathing in that light. Breathing in the awareness that you are removing, dissolving, releasing any rule that you’re aware of, that’s hampering you being the brightest, lightest person that you are.

You bless your rules as you discover them — in gratitude. You begin to sense how those rules have shaped you into this moment. And with gratitude, you allow those rules to travel away, to dissolve. Imagining those self imposing rules much like drops of water landing on a hot sidewalk. Steaming away, dissolving.

As you dissolve those self-imposed rules you begin to be — more fully who you are and what you are here to be. Imagine that! Imagine those rules that anchor you — you’ve weighed anchor now. You’re in your ship — free to sail anywhere you wish. Based on the notion that wherever you sail, you will grow for it is the season for growth. You begin to sense all the abundance Gaia provides.

Joyfully, every breath that we breathe is a gift from this planet. For a moment now — with each new breath you take — in the next few moments allow yourself to echo back a thank you. Imagine embracing the kindest, dearest, most loving, most effervescent, charming, nurturing mother you could ever imagine. With every breath in and every breath out you give and receive a hug. A hug so warm and welcoming you practically merge into each other.

Much like the air merges into our lungs and allows us to transmute its energy into what we need to continue living. With each breath feeling more gratitude than perviously felt. The air that Mother Earth gives us — send back gratitude. Just imagine everyone on the planet collectively dancing and celebrating. Everyone holding the highest love for our planet.

The galaxy.

For the universe we call home.

Invite that gratitude to now form a solid sense of well-being. Contentment. Love. Imagine — just imagine — a cosmic rain shower now beginning to drizzle down around us all.

Raindrops of light.

Splashing all of us.

Dripping on us.

Trickling down our skin and then disappearing inside our skin.

This cosmic shower of light just effortlessly begins to feed us. Feed us in the form of an awakening. Cell by cell. Memory by memory. Step by step. This cosmic shower feeds us. Fertilizes us to become aware — more fully than ever before — that we are in perfection. Always.

Absolute perfection.

At all times. In all places.

But no matter what we may see, hear, touch, taste, smell or intuit it in any way, shape or form – this cosmic rain shower is blessing us with a notion it’s all perfect.

Absolutely perfect.

Imagine this cosmic shower washing us in light — like a gentle sun shower sprinkling all around us in and in us. I invite you to let it wash away anything you sense needs to be washed away.




If there are any relationships you have — that lack inspiration for you to be the highest, most amazing person you can be — allow this moment now to focus on those relationships. It may be the relationship you have with yourself. I ask you in this cosmic shower now, just to feel as if you were in a warm, steamy, comfortable shower after a very long day of working hard. You’re cleansing yourself. Releasing all the grime of the day.

I invite you to release whatever grime you have with any relationships you have. Blessing them as this cosmic shower washes away the roles they’ve played in your life in some shape or form. And begin to sense now a new direction to that relationship. A direction that naturally fills your sails with bountiful, fresh air in a volume that you’re comfortable with. There’s an ease to that air, not pushing you, not pulling you. It’s just the perfect pace.

And as you’re sailing in the cosmic showers they begin to evaporate. We enter into just beams of light. Just imagine sitting on a beautiful section of this earth where you’re bathed in a light sun ray. You feel the warmth of the sun touching every part of your body warming your skin from the outside and then it just radiates into the inside and then magically it bounces back to the outside again. And it just continues on connecting up with that beautiful, infinite self.

Now begin to feel yourself growing.



Releasing and connecting and releasing and connecting even more as that sunlight bathes you. Brightens you.

Lightens you.

And like popcorn, all of a sudden, inner wisdom begins to sprout open. Thoughts. Positive sources of energy. A wellspring of energy that you had not known was there becomes apparent to you. It’s lit up, ready for you. Wisdom in all shapes and sizes, colors and flavors. You become aware that you are in — such abundance.

This inner wisdom lights up such abundance, you cannot imagine not having anything. It’s impossible. There’s so much there to receive. It’s a matter of just asking for it.

Now I begin to invite you to ask. Ask for what you wish to receive. We’ll start with asking simply to feel happy.

Breathe in a sense of happiness.

It is a choice. Our divine choice. We can choose to feel anything we want, any moment we want to. I invite you now to choose to effortlessly feel happy. No matter what’s happening. For this moment. Choose to feel a boundless ocean of happiness.


Knowing all that it is — is perfect in this moment. Feeling happy. Knowing that growing — happens — always. No matter what we do. No matter how we do it. No matter where we do it. Who we do it with. We continue to grow.

Step by step, moment by moment.

So feeling this ray of sunlight beginning to dry your skin from the cosmic shower. Feeling this ray of sunlight now begin to connect you with everything, everyone, everywhere, always. This beautiful summer day, the first day. Just finding yourself exploring.

A new beginning today.

Find yourself knowing that whatever you find today and tomorrow and the next day is divinely placed. Perfectly timed.

And to help build a feeling of contentment just imagine releasing a need to know. Releasing the need to be analytical. Releasing any need for affirmations. Releasing any desire to prove. Dissolving any wiring, any roots that require you to justify so there is nothing you need to justify. Nothing needs to be proven. Everything is always affirmed each and every day by its mere existence.

Time now to super fertilize your Summer growing season. To harmonize and to build the winds of change within you at a pace you’re comfortable with. I invite you now to befriend — growth — without a need to understand.

Just feeling comfortable.

Feeling content with the notion that at no point in time is it possible to ever know everything you’ll need to know about anything.

Play with that notion.

Allow this notion to be fertilizer in your garden of growth. At no point in time, no matter how much research; no matter how much studying. No matter how much seeking. No matter how many times you read. Memorize. Attend classes. Ponder through meditation. No matter how wise we may become there is yet one more bit of wisdom waiting for us.


It’s like an ever expanding ripple. And so being comfortable with knowing that the more you know — the more you don’t know. The more there is to learn, you recognize you have more learning to do. And if you could allow yourself to just simply observe, absorb — knowing that everything is being placed in front of you at the perfect moment.

Everything is awakening within you like a Spring seed planted in the ground slowly breaking out of its shell. Growing roots and popping above the soil, it just knows that it needs to reach for the light. It knows it needs to drink. It knows it just needs to continue to grow. Doesn’t question why it’s growing. It just grows.

Depending on the seed, it may produce an amazing flower for someone or something to enjoy. It may provide food in some form or fashion for something or someone. It may grow to be so large and so tall, it provides a form of shelter in some way. Know the seed doesn’t know that it’s growing — it just flows with growth.

If you may — feel content in knowing that you’re growing. That’s all you need to know.

And that your growth process; our growth process, Gaias growth process – all growth process is aided by dissolving any self-imposed limitations. Limitations like judgment.







Dissolving all of those limitations fertilizes our soils to grow. As we become more loving . . .

. . . trusting . . .

. . . greatful . . .

. . . joyful . . .

. . . now breathing in again, bringing in all that you’re feeling now and to this moment in time on the first day of the arrival of a new season. Begin to pull in around you, all that you’re feeling. Observe it. No judgments. Whatever you feel is perfect. Observe the fact that you feel what you feel — right now. Be with your feelings.

Remember to breathe deeply.

Allow yourself to just — be.

Much like any seed on its journey the see — just is. The seed just grows. And even when the seed come to the end of its life cycle like a majestic tree – one day, possibly centuries later from being a sapling. That massive tree will close its’ life cycle. For as the tree begins to die, decompose, that large majestic tree will feed so many other things in ways. Growth continues.

Like memories of people we love even after they’ve departed this earth there’s still growth. A simple memory — grows. Someone who has shared love with you helps you to grow; possibly share that love to someone who you may never get to know — by passing a smile as you walk down the streets.

So as we begin to finish our guided journey I invite you to plant and grow love in a way that you feel comfortable with each and every day. Nurture your garden. I invite you to consider how you might just share a moment of kindness starting with yourself. How might you share the joy you feel inside with someone who might find themselves feeling a lack of joy. Sharing your joy in ways others may — receive.

What crops are you going to tend to this season in the form of growth. How will you choose 1) what to tend to and 2) what to release. As we approach the season of harvest you prepare yourself for an amazing bounty of abundance in so many ways. To share and to continue to grow.

So now with an abundance of gratitudes bowing to all your guides and to you for taking this time — to be. Take a moment to share your love with Gaia.

Time to take in some deep breaths. With each breath you bring in the joy of Gaia. And you release joy back to Gaia as gratitude for each breath that we take. With each step that you take on Gaia to be mindful that as we grow we grow in an awareness of the gifts that we receive from Mother Earth — we honor Gaia’s gifts when we’re kind.


Start with yourself. Ripple out to every person we meet. Every thing we meet.

And so now to be kind with yourself begin to slowly come back into your room or the space that you started this journey. Slowly begin to feel your body. Shift your body. Move your body in a way that comes back into its awareness of this moment in time. Stretching your legs. Crinkling your toes. Maybe dangling and swinging or moving or flexing your arms. Wiggling your fingers.

Release any tension that you might have in your neck by moving your head slowly from side to side. Imagine there being a flashlight on the top of your head. Draw a big circle in the sky. Move your head, draw a big circle in the sky. And then reverse the direction.

And as you begin to come back into this moment, being mindful of your body, you may need to take a few more minutes to just relax. Breathe. Re-attune. Come back. Being mindful of your body that it may need more water than usual over the next week or so.

We are bringing in to this moment in time more energy than we’ve ever experienced before in our planet. And that energy is going to require us to release. The best way we can release is by nurturing our body with adequate purified water and nutrition. So I kindly request that you drink plenty of purified water. And you eat nutritious foods to help you grow your roots deeper within your wisdom well.

Previously Published on Medium

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The post Summer Solstice & Father’s Day Celebration appeared first on The Good Men Project.

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